Given below is a list of words used to develop a CV or Resume. Prepare a CV or Resume on your own.
* Personal information
Date of birth
Marital status.
Along with the above given information prepare a CV.

Your name should be written in big bold letters and centred on the page.
If you have a long name, only include your first and last name.
Some applicants mistakenly write “CV” or “Curriculum Vitae” at the top of the page as a heading. This is not recommended.
2. Address
The second essential information that you should include on your CV is your current address.
The benefits of including your address on your CV are the fact that you follow standard CV writing conventions, it serves as a trust factor (i.e. you have permanently based somewhere and not always on the go) and it may benefit your application if you live close to your place of work.
3. Telephone number
Your telephone number should be your personal mobile number or landline number. If you are applying for jobs internationally, you should include the dialling code of your country.
4. Email address
Your email address is the last piece of essential contact information that your CV should include.
Give your personal email address (not work email address)
Use a professional email address
Examples of unprofessional email addresses:
Please ensure that you use an appropriate email address on your CV. You should create an email account with your first and last name included in the email address.
It may not make your chances of getting an interview, but it sure can destroy your chances if you get it wrong!
Which personal details not to include in your CV
The following is a list of personal details that you should normally not include on your CV unless there is a good reason for including it:
Date of birth
Place of birth
Marital status
Number of children
Current salary
Driving licence details
Health status
The reasons for not writing these details in your CV are varied, including:
1. Outdated
Not so many years ago, it was common for CVs to include an applicant’s photograph, marital status or date of birth.
Those days are long gone thanks to the introduction of recent anti-discrimination laws and changing attitudes in society.
The current CV convention is that most of these things should not be on a CV.
If your CV does contain this outdated information, it will look odd amongst the other CVs, something you do not want.
2. Prevent discrimination
Under new anti-discrimination laws, it has become illegal for employers to discriminate against prospective employees based on a number of these things including age, gender and religion.
The fact that legislation has been introduced in these regards demonstrates that discrimination in society is real and happening.
Why would any candidate go out of their way to add details on their CV which may negatively affect their application?
3. Employers are not interested
The vast majority of employers are mainly interested in your skills and abilities to do the job well and care less about the number of children you have, your nationality or whether you look like a model.

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