English, asked by lakshminveeru84, 3 months ago

Given below is an outline of a story in which the young Maide
lived very happily and dreams greedily to achieve without hard
work. Develop a complete story on the basis of the outline given
below. Also write the moral of the story.

The young Maiden lived..............
Mother. The young milkmaid sold their cow's milk in...............one day,
her mother told her.....
she liked from the money..........selling
milk. She happily thought................hen at first...............exchange the
hen's chicks for ....... .....sell to
buy............. .... unluckily,.................... notice a stone in................fell down
hard, ......
.....milk split on the ground.


Answered by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix


The Daydreaming Milkmaid

Once upon a time, lived a milkmaid. The young maiden lived with her mother in a small cottage. The young milkmaid used to sell their cows' milk . Thus, they used to have minimal money, but to run household it was enough. The girl was a day dreamer, and used to do the work unconsciously.

One day, her mother was happy as she sold more milk and got more money. Her mother allowed her to purchase anything she would like for the day. The milkmaid was overjoyed. She on the way, taking the milk in a pot on her head, started thinking," If I purchase a hen, I will get chicks. Then they will grow and give eggs, and with that, I will sell more and will be richie-rich!" and as usual, she tripped of a stone. Unfortunately the whole milk was split, so were her dreams. She had lost the earning of the day, and so her money too.

Moral- We should do any work with concentration, avoid making castles in the air.


Answered by Anonymous


                                               The Milkmaid's dream

The Milkmaid

Once upon a time there lived a poor milkmaid named Gauri. Everyday she went to the market to sell milk. The money earned was her livelihood.

  • Gauri was a daydreamer. Often she used to dream of her future as a rich woman.

The dream

One day as she was on her way to the market, she started to dream as usual. She dreams that with the money earned at the market, she will buy a hen. The hen lays many eggs. The eggs are all hatched into chickens. Those chickens produce more eggs and more chickens arrive, In this way she earns a lot of money.

She keeps on dreaming that she will marry a rich man and will become a princess. She was so engrossed in her dream that she did not notice the stone on her path. She tumbled and the pail of milk falls down. All the milk is wasted and her dreams are shattered.

Moral: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. thanks

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