given me notes of guitar song attention
Riff used for entire song
Capo 6
E |–––––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––|
B |–––––––––1–0–––––|–––––––––0–––––––|–––––––––0–––––––|–––––––––––––––––|
G |–––––2–––––––2–––|–––––0–2–––––––––|–––––0–––––2–0–––|–––––––0–2–––––––|
D |–––2–––2–––––––2–|–––0–––––––––––––|–––0–––0–––––––0–|–––––3–––––––––––|
A |–0–––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––|–––––––––––––––––|–––3–––––––––––––|
E |–––––––––––––––––|–3–––––––––––––––|–0–––––––––––––––|–1–––––––––––3–4–|
Am G Em F
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +
How to play the chords
If you want to strum along, you can do so – use these chord shapes:
Capo 6
E ––––0–––––3–––––0–––––1–––––
B ––––1–––––0–––––0–––––1–––––
G ––––2–––––0–––––0–––––2–––––
D ––––2–––––0–––––2–––––3–––––
A ––––0–––––2–––––2–––––3–––––
E ––––––––––3–––––0–––––1–––––
Am G Em F
hope it helps you..