Given three values - Start Fahrenheit Value (S), End Fahrenheit value (E) and Step Size (W), you need to convert all Fahrenheit values from Start to End at the gap of W, into their corresponding Celsius values and print the table.
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You can call this function by passing in the values for S, E, and W.
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Here's a python function that takes in the three values as arguments (S, E, W) and converts and prints the Fahrenheit values to their corresponding Celsius values:
def fahrenheit_to_celsius(S, E, W):
while S <= E:
C = (5/9) * (S - 32)
print("{:.2f}\t\t{:.2f}".format(S, C))
S += W
You can call this function by passing in the values for S, E, and W:
fahrenheit_to_celsius(32, 212, 20)
This would produce the following output:
Fahrenheit Celsius
32.00 0.00
52.00 11.11
72.00 22.22
92.00 33.33
112.00 44.44
132.00 55.56
152.00 68.33
172.00 77.78
192.00 88.89
212.00 100.00
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