Social Sciences, asked by kaarav222, 1 year ago

globalization has both advantages and disadvantages explain three point in each case​


Answered by maureenmahesh



1.Consumers     (Particularly well off sections in urban areas)

  Greater choice

  Improved quality

  Lowered pricesas a result people enjoy much higher standars of living than what was possible earlier.


 Increased investments in India means that investing in India has been         benificial to them

Their products have a large no. of well off buyers.

 New jobs have been created.

 Local companies supplying raw materials have prospered.

3.Top Indian Companies

 Benifit from increased competition.

 Invested in newer technology and production methods.

raised thier production standards.

 Gained from successful collaborations with foreign companies.

 Enabled some companies to emerge as MNCs themselves.

4.IT companies

 eg. Indian company producing magazine for london based company

       Call centres

 Administrative tasks ,data entry,accounting engineering are now being done cheaply and exported to other countries


1.Small producers

 Have been hit hard due to competition

 Several units had to shut down rendering many jobless


Growing competition forced employers to employ workers flexibly.

Jobs are no longer secure

 In order to maximise profits worker are now employed on a temporary basis

 They have to put in long hourss and work night shifts on a regular basis during peak season

 Wages are low and workers are forced to work overtime to meet both ends meet

hope this helps :)

  • dont forget to mark me brainliest


Answered by Nehalunthi



1. consumers get the product they want at more competitive prices

2. companies get access to much water market

3.resources of different countries are used for producing goods or services the they are able to more efficiency.


1. developed countries can still developmental of an developmental and develop and development countries.

2. it can be spread increase of communicable diseases.

3. economic depression is our country can be trigger adverse reaction across the global.

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