God's forgotten land?
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- Hide and Seek (Deef): Hide and seek is commonly played. In this game a player starts by closing his or her eyes and counts up to 50 or 100 whilst facing towards a wall, tree, or pillar. The other players, who usually number about 5 to 10, hide. The first player should find all the hidden players who would hide somewhere near. If any of the other players hit the first player on his or her back by saying "deef" with palm of a hand without being spotted then the first player should restart the game . If the first player spots any other player without the other playing saying deef as above, then the other player is out. The objective of the game is for the first player to find all hidden players without him/her restarting the game. The game is repeated with every player playing as the first player.
God's forgotten land?\
Now I lay me down to sleep
I beg a soldier my life to keep
And if i die before i wake
Will my family's care Big Brother take?
Drifting from this tangible plane
Will I finally go insane?
mother and father, blood again on these hands today
Long ago shone God's final ray
Dreams come to me in paradox
I can't escape these blood-stained rocks
Last night i dreamt of a drum and fiddle
What they screamed was no riddle:
There's no rain or snow in this forgotten land
Where the evils of man play in the land of sand
Pain and tears of red you will never forget
A maniac is the one who wagered this diabolical bet
Retun home with the curse of MacBeth
With each life you've taken you have made your own death
Memories will cause you to weep and to cringe
Hands forever seen with a crimson twinge
All because of a madman crying his lies
Soon youll be driven to suicide
And with each spent bullet shell
You've saved your place in the pits of hell!
This is my last letter to you
I'm a monster, no longer the man you knew
I'll never be able to forgive from within
And I'm condemned to a life of sin.