Math, asked by prachisoumyaps, 7 months ago

Granny liked living in a tree-top of house more than living in an original house.If you get a chance to live in a tree-top house, what problems would you face while living there and what things would you enjoy?

This is the chapter of (Granny's tree climbing )ch-2
in class 8 C. B. S. E board D. A. V School ​


Answered by zahlensingh

Step-by-step explanation:

It is awesome to have a life in a tree top house but their are certain problems to live there:


1.there may not be proper connection of electricity

2there may not have washroom facilities

3there is a fear of falling while climbing and descednding to the tree top house.

4its do not ensure any guaranty for example how many years it will sustain etc.


1we can enjoy the beauty and bounty of the nature

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