Environmental Sciences, asked by jp496191, 5 months ago

green surrounding introduction​


Answered by Anonymous


We are all committed to the principles

of sustainable development: the kind of

development that meets the needs of the

present, without compromising the ability of

future generations to meet their own needs.

So it is not surprising that almost all urban

development programmes set down ideas and

ideals to develop European cities in a more

sustainable way, especially concerning the

environment and the social dimension. These

programmes result from a process of searching

for, then offering a better quality of life. In

this context urban green spaces can bring

various benefits to European cities, which are

highlighted in Chapter 1.

Urban green spaces are key resources for

sustainable cities.

This recognition does not, however, mean

that green space development enjoys a high

position in the political agenda. To secure

such development in the era of sustainable

development still requires dedicated hard work

and, especially, personal engagement. Most

cities have some form of planning instrument

to influence the green space quality. In many

cases, however, suitable overall concepts

and strategies are missing, which combine

the development and management of urban

green spaces with general policies for urban

development. This calls for Urban Green Space

Strategies which set out a collective vision for

improving green spaces.


In GreenKeys Urban Green is defined as

the sum of all public open spaces in urban

areas which are predominantly characterised

by vegetation and which combine to make

up the urban green fabric. An urban green

space is

• directly used for active or passive

recreation; or

• indirectly used by virtue of its positive

influence on the urban environment,

serving the diverse needs of citizens and thus

offering a good quality of life in cities.

Urban green is a system that consists of all

kinds of public green spaces including parks,

gardens, squares, cemeteries and allotments

as well as woodlands and areas for nature

and landscape conservation set within the

wider urban fabric.


An Urban Green Space Strategy is a strategic

document with a long-term perspective that

should fall within the compass of a city’s

development policies and integrate well with

other policies. It deals with all urban green

spaces, regardless of type or ownership.

To be most effective and for the greatest

efficiency the strategy should be integrated

into the planning system of the city.

An Urban Green Space Strategy confronts

the present situation of green spaces

(with all problems, conflicts, potentials and

needs) and the future collective vision and

goals. It covers all aspects and subjects

dealing with green spaces management and

development. As a result it provides basic

and enduring development proposals, tasks

and actions for implementation that are

needed to assure the realisation of set visions

and goals.

In GreenKeys we adopt the following

understanding about urban green space

strategy, which is based on CABE Space

(2004): Urban Green Space Strategy sets out

a collective vision for improved green spaces,

which meet community needs and provides a

reference point for allocating resources and

plans of action.

Fig. 1.1: Playground in Park, Kotel

(Municipality of Dresden 2006)

Fig. 1.2: Sculptures in an historic garden, Dresden

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