Growing plants helps to reduce the force of
earthquakes, floods.
Forestry Responses to Conflict & Disasters
Basic knowledge
This module examines the role of forestry in mitigating natural and human-conflict disasters,
and forest-related responses that might assist communities and ecosystems to recover in the
wake of disasters in the short and longer terms.
Forestry and disasters
Disasters caused by extreme weather events (e.g. droughts, storms, floods, hurricanes and cyclones), other natural phenomena (e.g. fire,
outbreaks of animal and plant pests, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions) and human conflicts (e.g. civil unrest and
armed conflicts that displace people) may result in forest degradation and deforestation. Inevitably, such disasters disrupt the supply of
forest products and environmental services, threatening the subsistence and livelihoods of local communities and forest industries. They
can trigger unprecedented pressure on forests, with survivors and displaced people forced to forage in residual forests for food, timber,
woodfuel, fibre, fodder and other products, or to occupy the forests and clear them for agriculture.
Forests that have been destroyed or seriously damaged by disasters may suffer secondary impacts, such as pest outbreaks, wildfire and
erosion. These can delay forest recovery and cause the further deterioration of the livelihoods and food security of forest-dependent people.
The loss or damage of forest and tree resources can lead to the degradation of soil and water resources, with the potential for negative
effects on downstream agricultural and fishery production and consequently on the livelihoods of communities.
On the other hand, forests can be lifesaving resources during and after disasters, providing food, timber for rebuilding, woodfuel, medicines,
and a means by which affected people can obtain their livelihoods.
Well-managed forests and trees can reduce the impacts of disasters. In steep lands, for example, well-managed forests can reduce soil
erosion caused by flooding and, in some cases, avert landslides (see module on Mountain Forests). Mangroves and other coastal forests
can reduce the damage caused by storm surges and tsunamis, and well-managed lands and forests can decrease the risk of wildfire.
When the damage to forests as a result of a disaster is severe, the negative impacts can be long-lasting because of the lengthy timeframes
generally involved in forest recovery. Forest-dependent communities may need assistance in preparing for disasters and in recovering from
them when they occur, taking into account long-term factors.
The challenge for forest managers is to implement sustainable forest management so that, in the face of disaster, forests are best-placed to
mitigate impacts, contribute to relief aid and rebuilding, and prevent future disasters, thus contributing to community resilience.