Biology, asked by heenatab6347, 10 months ago

Growth regulator used for induce paithenocarpy


Answered by Azhar08

Indol-3-acetic acid (IAA), gibberellin-like substances (GAs), and abscisic acid (ABA) were measured throughout the first 35 days of fruit development in agar diffusates from seeded and parthenocarpic tomato fruits. Parthenocarpic fruit growth was induced with either an auxin (4-CPA), morphactin (CME) or gibberellic acid (GA3). IAA and GAs were at their highest levels in diffusates during the early stages of fruit growth, whereas diffusible ABA increased later. Most IAA was found in diffusates from auxin-induced and seeded fruits, whereas GAs were at their lowest levels in seeded fruits. There were only minor differences in ABA concentrations regardlesss of the treatments.

Levels of diffusible hormones of tomato fruits may be easily manipulated by inducing parthenocarpic fruit growth. In spite of no obvious relationship between fruit growth and hormone levels in this study, induced parthenocarpy is considered a useful tool to further elucidate the role of hormones in fruit development and sink-source interactions.

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