Guys , answer these 3 questions.

3)If we keep our waste segregated from the source , we provide the option of using its left over potential for different other purposes like composting etc.
So the most important precaution that I will suggest my mom is this segregate your waste at source.
4)Genetic modification (GM) technology allows the transfer of genes for specific traits between species using laboratory techniques.
GM crops were first introduced in the U.S. in the mid-1990s. Most current GM crops grown in the U.S. are engineered for insect resistance or herbicide tolerance. Corn, soybeans, and cotton are the three largest acreage GM crops.
GM crops grown in Colorado include corn, alfalfa, sugar beet, soybeans, and canola.
Potential future applications of the technology include nutritional enhancements, stress tolerance, disease resistance, biofuel efficiency, and remediation of polluted sites.
GM crops are regulated at the federal level by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), each with authority to oversee specific aspects of the crops and their products.
5#. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is becoming major thread to the whole world. Its toxic emissions mixed with virgin soil and air and causing harmful effects to the entire biota either directly or indirectly. Direct impacts include release of acids, toxic compounds including heavy metals, carcinogenic chemicals and indirect effects such as bio magnification of heavy metals. Many private firms are involved in collecting, dismantling, separation and exporting e-wastes for recyclers. However, strict regulations are currently being followed as on approval of such firms such as e-steward certification by Basel action network in US, they also involved in public awareness programs; this review is based on collected information from various journal articles, websites including the technical note by Greenpeace international. Further, it analyzes the current progress on e-waste management worldwide.