Biology, asked by KpopanimeOMG, 1 year ago


"To date, approximately 75,000 enzymes are thought to exist in the human body—all divided into three classes: metabolic enzymes that run our bodies, digestive enzymes that digest our food, and food enzymes from raw foods that start our food digestion (Quora)." Don't worry--you don't have to know them all! Look up the following enzymes and identify the reaction that they are responsible for catalyzing in your body. Notice something about their names? Yep, many enzymes (most) end in -ase, helping you to identify them!

1. Catalase

2. DNA Polymerase

3. Restriction Endonuclease

4. Salivary Amylase

5. Helicase

6. Pepsin (a protease)


Answered by Heisenstein1
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