English, asked by tabbymykitten, 1 year ago

hai I am Chandana
I have a question how was Chandana and Sandalwood different ​


Answered by hayzelfountes40


Difference Between White Sandalwood & Red Sandalwood

White Sandalwood:

White sandalwood is also known as East Indian Sandalwood. White Sandalwood is not fussy about where it grows, whether in fertile valleys or on dry mountainsides, it thrives anywhere. White Sandalwood has been recognized as a “Royal Tree” in India since 1792. One sandalwood tree in a forest makes the whole forest smell of sandalwood as the scent clings to other trees. Sandalwood is a root parasite and extracts nutrients from the host plant by means of special formations called haustoria.

It is not a single species of trees that nourishes the sandalwood but several and it is not yet fully understood what the exact conditions are that allow the tree to thrive. White Sandalwood aroma spreads all over when it comes to extract oil from it. White sandalwood is generally employed for skin care. It is endowed with antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, astringent and emollient properties. That is why, so many people use sandalwood to treat acne, skin rashes, blackheads, dark spots, blemishes and to get a fair and flawless complexion.


White is commonly used to extract oil essential. White sandalwood oil is used as a fragrance in soaps, cosmetics, and perfumes.

The oil is obtained by steam distillation of the wood and is used in perfumes, soaps, candles, incense, and folk medicines.

White sandalwood is used for treating the common cold, cough, bronchitis, fever, and sore mouth and throat. It is also used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs), liver disease, gallbladder problems, heatstroke, gonorrhea, headache, and conditions of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease).

White sandalwood might help prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria. It might reduce spasms. But more information is needed. In food and beverages, white sandalwood is used as a flavoring.

Red Sandalwood:

Red sandalwood is observed that the red sandalwood grown on the shale type of subsoil. The mature red sandal trees are very tall, but scarce. That is because they need several hundred years to grow thick. The red sandal wood takes on a color of purplish brown, and is so dense that any piece of it placed in water will sink immediately. Renowned varieties of red sandals include cow-hair sandals, chicken-blood sandals and shining-star sandals. Shining-star sandals are the most valuable of all kinds of sandal woods. The shining stars actually refer to the colloid crystallization of the wood fibers. Sandal wood is a dense timber which will not be gnawed by worms, but its color will be affected by sunlight, so it should be placed in a cool and dry place.


Sandalwood is using in flavoring in alcoholic beverages. Red sandalwood is used for treating digestive tract problems, fluid retention, and coughs; and for “blood purification”. Red sandalwood might increase the loss of body water through the urine (diuretic effect). It might also have drying effects that may help reduce diarrhea and break up mucus to make it easier to cough up. Red sandalwood is possibly safe for most people. The potential side effects aren’t known.

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