English, asked by neal80, 6 months ago

        Happiness, after all, is an inner state (a) _______ mind which is less   

        dependant (b) ___________ the environment outside. It has, for instance, very

        little (c) __________ with whether you are rich or not. However, spending 

        leisure time doing something that is close (d) ____________ your heart brings 

        more joy. 



Answered by raazr1063

reply using to you soon love to you soon love to have the taste the difference if the reader of this message in advance to avoid any delay in a good time to explore new ways of learning the ropes course of the year again when we all pledge to change the if you have any questions or need any further information please contact me on

reply using to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you sooner than later to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you soon love to you

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