English, asked by mittallakshay85, 1 year ago

Happy WEEKEND dear students,
Today l am going to test your sentence framing skill . It is very important in language to depend upon self making sentences. I have observed it in previous classes.
Today you have to write on a very easy topic HOW YOU CELEBRATE YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY
in 125 words.

A few tips...
1 use only PAST TENSE
2. No use of is, am, are, has, have, will, shall etc.
3. Use only was, were, had, etc.
4. Sentence structure...
1. S+V2+ 0
2. S+ was/were + v1+ ing+ o.
3. S + had + V3+ 0.

1. I got up at 5 o'clock in the morning.
2. I was carrying a basket.
3. I had bought decoration material.

In most of the sentences the 1st structure will be used.


Answered by Anonymous


I think that nowadays Corona has been a infectious disease for long time....

Please mark it as a brainliest and please follow me on brainly


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