hardship is a key to succeed
i believe that hard work is the key to success. To succeed in life one must endure the challenges life presents and work to overcome these challenges to be the best possible person that one can be. We must not only use hard work to impress those around us but also to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. If we as individuals do not work hard to succeed, then we do not receive the same satisfaction as we would if we put in hour upon hour or even year upon year of work to achieve our goals. I believe for one to be successful, he must be willing to work hard to succeed in any aspect of life.
Hours of hard work and training are the key to success. Michael Phelps, known as the greatest Olympian of all time is the epitome of hard work. Phelps started swimming at the age of seven. Every time Phelps competes his times drop and new world records are set. This is not just a coincidence but a result of hours of hard work and dedication. Phelps trains 365 days a year with two sessions on over forty percent of those days. When all other swimmers are in bed or packing up to go home, Phelps is still in the pool mastering the art of swimming. This kind of dedication and training is why Michael Phelps is not only the greatest swimmer but also the greatest Olympian of all time.
I can also testify to the idea of hard work leading to success in my own life. As a junior I was named a starter on my high school football team. After a coaching change I came out of spring practice as a second team linebacker. I spent my whole summer training harder than everyone else. I had my old coach train me twice a week; while everyone else was still asleep I was up conditioning and lifting weights. I dedicated my summer to becoming the best football player I could be, training twice a day six days a week. In the last preseason game against Byrnes High School, I got my starting position back. This was an amazing accomplishment for me and taught me that if I work hard I will be rewarded.