History, asked by sokhalgaurav8, 9 months ago

Harvinder got transferred from Rajasthan to Assam. Rajasthan has less rainfall but Assam has more rainfall. Due to more rainfall, the vegetation found there was also different from the vegetation of Rajasthan. Due to heavy rainfall, the vegetation found there is also called rain forest. The height of the trees found in this vegetation is 30 to 60 meters. What kind of vegetation will it be? ​


Answered by myhomepulugu

The natural vegetation of the Rajasthan plain is classified as Northern Desert Thorn Forest. Since the whole region is largely sandy and bare rocks are exposed, the vegetal cover is very thin and there are only a few small trees. Density and size of patches increase from west to east following the increase in rainfall.

The natural vegetation of the Rajasthan Desert is composed of tree, shrub, and herb species. Shrubs are thorny and have stunted growth due to scanty rainfall. Chip bush with long needle shape branches without leaves is common in sandy soils. Evergreen bushes like Khair, Phog, beri, kherjri, and cactus are found in some places. Babul is one of the best fodder trees of this region and it grows even under arid climatic and sandy conditions.

Local tree species suitable for planting in the desert region are very few and these are slow-growing. Many exotic tree species of Eucalyptus, Acacia, and Cassia have been tried in the Rajasthan Desert. Israeli Babul and the jojoba trees of economic value are suitable for planting in these areas.

Due to the diversified habitat and ecosystem, the vegetation, human culture, and animal life in this arid region are very rich in contrast to the other deserts of the world.

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