have you ever been pressured to do something you knew was wrong?discuss how you handeld the situation?
There were many times in my life when I felt pressured to do something that I didn't want to do. At the time I felt like I had little choice in the matter. I felt like if I refused the person wouldn't like me or wouldn't accept me. What I didn't know at the time was that I was feeling this way because I wasn't accepting myself. What I also didn't realize at the time was that the person putting pressure on me thought they were trying to help me or they wanted to spend time with me in a way that I wasn't comfortable with.
I have since learned that I'm pretty cool just the way I am and I accept me, flaws and all. I also have learned to step out of my comfort zone, to try new things and to say No without needing to justify my choice. The interesting thing is since I've learned to accept myself fewer people try to pressure me.