Have you ever feàred anything either in the reality or in your imagination? please write an account of your feelings in 300 words.
I can't explain it....so sorry
The thing I am afraid the most is loosing every one I love .Even the thought of it scares the hell out of me .
Now there is a weird thing I am afraid of , zombies . weird thing is that I am not sacred of vamps , natural disasters , apocalypse , wolfs ,etc . but zombies .I don't know .
Now if you will think about it a bit , how will like it when a creepy thing that stinks a lot will chase you till your death just to eat your brain .
The second thing I am scared a lot of is water .
wait what !!
well it's not water but the living aquatic animals in there .
I just can't handle creepy crawleries .
the last thing I am afraid of is congested place and place where I can not breath.
yes I am a claustrophobic.
And what I do to overcome this ??
simple thing .
I just do what I like to do
eg. singing , stand up comedy , watching awesome memes and many more .