Have you ever wondered how information
about the people living in your locality or
village, and the country as a whole is
collected and recorded? Ask your teacher
to explain their experiences of collecting
sensus data.
Answer: It is measured by CENSUS Surveys which are conducted after every 10 years. Last CENSUS was conducted in 2011.
A population Census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing and
disseminating demographic, social, cultural and economic data relating to all persons
in the country, at a particular time in ten years interval. Conducting population
census in a country like India, with great diversity of physical features, is
undisputedly the biggest administrative exercise of peace time. The wealth of
information collected through census on houses, amenities available to the
households, socio economic and cultural characteristics of the population makes
Indian Census the richest and the only source for planners, research scholars,
administrators and other data users. The planning and execution of Indian Census is
challenging and fascinating.
India is one of the very few countries in the World, which has a proud history
of holding Census after every ten years. The Indian Census has a very long history
behind it. The earliest literature ‘Rig Veda’ reveals that some kind of Population count
was maintained during 800-600 BC. Kautilya’s Arthasastra, written around 321-296
BC, laid stress on Census taking as a measure of State policy for purpose of taxation.
During the regime of Mughal king Akbar the Great, the administrative report ‘Ain-eAkbari’ included comprehensive data pertaining to population, industry, wealth and
many other characteristics. In ancient Rome, too, census was conducted for purpose
of taxation. The history of Indian Census can be divided in two parts i.e. Pre
Independence era and Post Independence era.