English, asked by kunalkt0105, 6 months ago

Have you picked up any new hobby during this lockdown? Express your feelings in about 100-120 words, also describe how interesting it is.


Answered by TheNarayan


Lockdown is a strange time for us all, no matter what our living arrangements are. Whether you’re working remotely, furloughed, or waiting for the world to wake up again, the days can feel… long. Your usual pastimes might not be enough. It could be time to find a new hobby.

Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Our list of 40 new hobby ideas is here to get you motivated and inspired to try something different. From relaxing, to energising, to expressive, there’s sure to be something for just about everyone.

Find a new hobby – what do you like?

First things first – it’s maybe not the best idea to throw a dart at a random list of hobbies to choose one. Unless, of course, darts is your new hobby. Instead, try thinking about the kinds of things you like to do.

Are you the creative type or do you prefer being active? Do you want escapism or tangible gains? Narrowing down your wants may make it easier to choose an activity that’s suited to you.

Is there something you used to enjoy as a child? Maybe you had a particular aptitude for something when you were younger but didn’t have the time to keep it up. During the COVID-19 lockdown, time is something many of us have in abundance.

Another point worth considering is whether or not you want your new hobby to be similar to your existing ones. It can be nice to find something that complements your existing skills, but it’s often refreshing to have a change of pace.

Lockdown hobbies – what’s your goal?

Although your goal when trying to find a new hobby in lockdown is likely to fill time, it’s worth considering exactly how you want to spend that time. Jigsaw-puzzling, for example, is a less physically intense pastime than weightlifting.

Hope it helps you❤️❤️

Answered by vidhinagbhire


Covid-19 has affected over 180 countries around the world and most populations have been placed under mandatory lockdown. In India, while the government-mandated lockdown to control the spread and flatten the curve of coronavirus was initially supposed to end by April 14, and was then postponed to May 3. However, none of us really got out of lockdown if you think about it. People have been forced into isolation and self-quarantine to avoid the spread of this deadly virus. And while most of the working crowd was happy to work from home in the first few weeks, enjoying the free time they craved so dearly, the lack of human contact, social interactions, inability to venture outdoors for leisure or indulge in any form of fun, is having quite a bad effect on people. According to a recent study published in Lancet Journal, the novel coronavirus could have a “profound” effect on people’s mental health, now and in the future as well. One of the paper’s authors, Professor Rory O’Connor, professor of Health Psychology at the University of Glasgow said, “Increased social isolation, loneliness, health anxiety, stress and an economic downturn are a perfect storm to harm people’s mental health and well being.” He added that doing nothing about this would lead to a rise in conditions like anxiety and depression, resulting in more and more people turning to coping mechanisms like alcohol, drugs and gambling, and possible consequences like homelessness. He went on to add, “The scale of this problem is too serious to ignore, both in terms of every human life that may be affected, and in terms of the wider impact on society.”

So while we struggle to even maintain a basic routine, let alone be productive, how does one try and ensure that their mental health and sanctity do not get perturbed? The best way to utilize all this excessive, forced ‘Me’ time while practising social distancing and self-isolation is to pick up a few new tricks or brush up on some old ones. Here are some interesting hobbies and activities that you can engage in to ensure your grey cells are getting their exercise and also momentarily take your mind off the impending doom.

Painting: Whether you know how to or not, painting is extremely soothing and given how long the lockdown is set to last, you might as well get good at it. And there are so many techniques and styles when it comes to painting, and the use of different mediums, that you will never get bored.

Read a book, or a whole bunch of them: Not everyone is born a bibliophile, but its never too late to develop good habits. So what if you can’t head out? Pick a book from the genre you prefer, be it crime or romance, and let your imagination run far and wild.

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