Having a retail credit account is good strategy in capitalism it is. A.is beneficial B.not beneficial C. risky D. none of the above
key takeaways. A retail credit facility is a method of financing—essentially, a type of loan or line of credit—used by retailers and real estate companies. ... Retail credit facilities can also be business-to-consumer, in which the retailer extends credit to customers for purchases—usually big-ticket items.
Retail banking helps the Indian banking industry by providing a wide range of innovative services. Retail loan is estimated to have accounted for nearly one-fifth of all bank credit. ... Mortgages, loans (e.g., personal/housing, auto and educational) on the asset side are the more important products offered by the banks.
Retail credit is a type of consumer credit, but with a more specific purpose. A retail credit line generally is a credit card for use at one particular store. The store grants you special perks for using the credit card to make purchases.