hcf of 272 and 148 by euclid division algorithm
HCF => 272 = 148 x 1 + 124
148 = 124 x 1 + 24
124 = 24 x 5 + 4
24 = 4 x 6 + 0
HCF IS = 4
HOPE it helped :-)
4 is the HCF of 272 and 148 by Euclid division algorithm.
272 and 148
To find:
HCF of 272 and 148 by Euclid Division Algorithm.
To find the largest number that can divide both 272 and 148.
Using the Euclid Division Algorithm
a, b, are positive integers
q, r, are unique whole number where
In the formula “a” is known as the dividend, b is the divisor, q and r, are called quotient and remainder
So let us use the method of Euclid Division Algorithm. We have:
Applying, the Euclid Division Algorithm on 272 and 148.
We get,
The remainder is not zero, therefore using Euclid Division Algorithm again with new a and b i.e. 148 and 124 respectively.
The remainder is not zero, therefore using Euclid Division Algorithm again with new a and b i.e. 124 and 24 respectively.
The remainder is not zero, therefore using Euclid Division Algorithm again with new a and b i.e. 24 and 4 respectively.
After this we finally get the remainder zero. The HCF (148, 272) = 4.