English, asked by deytara2, 1 year ago

He could not check his temper.(Phrasal verb of check)


Answered by niya86
Phrasal Verb CHECK

The phrasal verb check has many uses. Use this page to test and increase your knowledge of these phrasal verbs.

Study the list and do the exercise that follows. Then check your answers below.

CHECK BACK = return to determine if everything is OK

We will check back tomorrow to make sure you are ok.

CHECK BY = go somewhere to see if everything is OK

We need to check by the lawyers office to make sure the papers are ready.

CHECK FOR = try to find

They checked for AIDS and other diseases before they let him into the country.

CHECK IN = enter a hotel

They need to check in before six on Friday.

CHECK INTO = A. enter a hospital B. investigate

A. They checked into the hospital yesterday for today's surgery.
B. We are checking into allegations of fraud aid the police.

CHECK OFF = put a tick next to an item on a list

I had to check off each item as it was delivered to make sure we got it all.

CHECK ON = make sure something is OK

Jill checked on the cake to make sure it wasn't burnt.

CHECK OUT = A. investigate, look at B. leave a hospital or hotel, etc.

A. He checked out the new waitress as she brought us our coffees.
B. We checked out of the hotel before noon as it was policy.

CHECK OVER = closely examine

He checked over the contract to make sure there were no loopholes.

CHECK UP ON = investigate someone or something

My parents were always checking up on me.

CHECK THROUGH = send luggage to a final destination

Your luggage is checked through to Athens.

CHECK WITH = ask for confirmation

He needs to check with his wife to make sure they don't have other plans.

deytara2: u fool
niya86: did u just said anything?
niya86: wanna mark as brainliest?
Answered by umasubafs

Check-in is hyphenated when it’s a noun (e.g., I was early for check-in) or an adjective (I walked up to the check-in counter). It’s two words, unhyphenated, when it functions as a verb (I walked up to the counter to check in).

To check in verb is to show that you have registered in a hotel or the airport etc.

Examples of use:

1. We have to check in at 8 o’clock.

2. Please check in at least one hour before your flight leaves.

The check-in (noun) is the place at the airport where you show your ticket and let the airline know that you have arrived.

1. We need to check into our hotel before 10pm.

2. I’ll meet you in the hotel restaurant in 10 minutes. I’ll just check in and put my suitcase in my room.

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