he instrument shown in the picture creates musical sound.
A guitar does not have one sound, it has many. Guitar can sound like drops falling on a bamboo roof. Like metal falling on rocks. Like a dog growling.
If you've ever seen a country music band perform live, you might have noticed someone playing what looks like a small guitar. That instrument is, in fact, a mandolin. The mandolin is a musical instrument in the lute family.
guitar, plucked stringed musical instrument that probably originated in Spain early in the 16th century, deriving from the guitarra latina, a late-medieval instrument with a waisted body and four strings. The early guitar was narrower and deeper than the modern guitar, with a less pronounced waist.
The most popular guitar-like instruments that you might consider playing are the:
and guitar hybrids.
a flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with a pick or with the fingers.