hear the recordings twice.
A. School is really helping me to try lots of new things.
B. School is supporting me in becoming an all sounder.
C. Getung involved in school activities helped me improve iny life skills.
D. The buddy system is really helping promising students.
E. Having training helped me become a good friend to younger students.
E I really like that we are taught to eat healthy at school.
G. We are sometimes allowed to eat junk food at after school club.
find out the speaker and statement
All are from speaker
A speaker of a particular language is a person who speaks it, especially one who speaks it as their first language. Most viewers are not native English speakers. In the parliament or legislature of many countries, the Speaker is the person who is in charge of meetings. omeone who is fluent in a particular language can speak the language easily and correctly. You can also say that someone speaks fluent French, Chinese, or some other language.
1. A person who speaks.
2. A person who speaks formally before an audience; lecturer; orator.
(usually initial capital letter) the presiding officer of the U.S. House of Representatives, the British House of Commons, or other such legislative assembly.
3. Also called loudspeaker. an electroacoustic device, often housed in a cabinet, that is connected as a component in an audio system, its function being to make speech or music audible.
4. A book of selections for practice in declamation. a person who speaks. Can be used to depict general timings like months, years, centuries and parts of days
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