Heat flows from hot body to cold body.how?
The atoms of hot body have higher Kinetic Energy than that of cold body. So the atoms of hot body move and collide with the atoms of cold body and transfer heat. Since the atoms of cold body are at lower kinetic energy level hence they do not move and collide.
Another explaination to this is the Clausius Statement of II law of thermodynamics according to which
“it is impossible for a self acting machine working in a cyclic process without any external force, to transfer heat from a body at a lower temperature to a body at a higher temperature”. An external machinery is required to complete this process. An example of this is Refrigerator.
In a refrigerator, the cool reservoir is the inside of the refrigerator, and the warm reservoir is the room itself. From this, one can see that leaving a refrigerator door open will not cool off the room that it is in. But at the same time if the door is closed then it cools down the material inside with the help of external work.