English, asked by rishabhsingh476, 1 year ago

Helen was a naughty child. describe the incidents of her early childhood .


Answered by bittukumarsharmaa
The two incidents that show Helen was
mischievous as a child are as follows.
Helen and Martha Washington were united by
their great love for mischief. Once the two
children were seated on the veranda steps one
hot July afternoon and cutting out paper dolls.
But they soon wearied of that amusement and
after cutting up shoestrings and clipping all
the leaves off the honeysuckle within reach,
Helen turned her attention to Martha's
corkscrews, the distinctive curls on people of
African American descent. Martha had
objected at first but then she submitted.
Martha would have snipped off Helen's curls
too if her mother had not interfered.
The second incident was when she found a
key to the pantry and proceeded to lock her
mother in. Her mother was obliged to remain
in that room for three hours as the servants
were in the detached part of the house and no
one answered to her pounding on the door.
Helen had been sitting outside on the porch
steps all along and laughed away with glee.
This happened to be the naughtiest prank of
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