Hello all plz ans this plz
commodities that are used for trade coming from the various states of India.
Very very urgent question!!
I will mark u as brainliest!!

plz mark brainliest!!
Types of Commodities
Today, tradable commodities fall into the following four categories:
Metals (such as gold, silver, platinum and copper)
Energy (such as crude oil, heating oil, natural gas and gasoline)
Livestock and Meat (including lean hogs, pork bellies, live cattle and feeder cattle)
Agricultural (including corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cocoa, coffee, cotton and sugar)
Commodity Main Exchange Contract Size Trading Symbol [1]
Corn CBOT 5000 bu C/ZC (Electronic)
Corn EURONEXT 50 tons EMA
Oats CBOT 5000 bu O/ZO (Electronic)
Rough Rice CBOT 2000 cwt ZR
Soybeans CBOT 5000 bu S/ZS (Electronic)
Rapeseed EURONEXT 50 tons ECO
Soybean Meal CBOT 100 short tons SM/ZM (Electronic)
Soybean Oil CBOT 60,000 lb BO/ZL (Electronic)
Wheat CBOT 5000 bu W/ZW (Electronic)
Wheat EURONEXT 50 tons EBL
Milk Chicago Mercantile Exchange 200,000 lbs DC
Cocoa ICE 10 tons CC
Coffee C ICE 37,500 lb KC
Cotton No.2 ICE 50,000 lb CT
Sugar No.11 ICE 112,000 lb SB
Sugar No.14 ICE 112,000 lb SE
Frozen Concentrated Orange Juice ICE 15,000 lbs FCOJ-A
Adzuki bean TOCOM 2400 kg