Hello all¡!♥
What is the difference b/w :–
the ¦¦KLMN¦¦ & ¦¦SPDF¦¦
methods of finding electronic configuration??
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K,L, M, N, O- are the shells present (orbitals) in an atom. Whereas s,p,d,f - are the sub-shells present in each of the K,L,M,N,O -shells. K-Shell contains only s- subshell. L-Shell contains s, p-subshells. M-Shell contains s,p,d-subshells. N-Shell contains s,p,d,f-subshells.

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Hey Mate
****Each Shell Contains A fixed No. Of Electrons
1.The first shell can hold up to two electrons,
2.the second shell can hold up to eight (2 + 6) electrons,
3.the third shell can hold up to 18 (2 + 6 + 10) and so on.
The general formula is 2n^2
The electrons in the outermost is Valence Shell..
***The s,p,d,f, notations are for orbitals of electrons and depend on l-values
where l= orbital angular momentum
A n th shell can have subshells having l = 0,1,2…(n- 1)
l=o is called s orbital
l=1 is …p -orbital
l=2 is …..d-orbital
the 2.n^2 electrons are subdivided in these orbitals.
for example
For N th shell- the principal quantum no. n= 4
the total no. of electron can be= 2. 4^2 = 32
then l= 0, 1, 2, 3 only
s, p, d, f subshells or orbitals
and they can have (2.l +1) no. of electrons
s state - max. 2 electrons - they obey pauli exclusion principal
p-state - 6 electrons
d- state- 10 electrons
f -state - 14 electrons
****Each Shell Contains A fixed No. Of Electrons
1.The first shell can hold up to two electrons,
2.the second shell can hold up to eight (2 + 6) electrons,
3.the third shell can hold up to 18 (2 + 6 + 10) and so on.
The general formula is 2n^2
The electrons in the outermost is Valence Shell..
***The s,p,d,f, notations are for orbitals of electrons and depend on l-values
where l= orbital angular momentum
A n th shell can have subshells having l = 0,1,2…(n- 1)
l=o is called s orbital
l=1 is …p -orbital
l=2 is …..d-orbital
the 2.n^2 electrons are subdivided in these orbitals.
for example
For N th shell- the principal quantum no. n= 4
the total no. of electron can be= 2. 4^2 = 32
then l= 0, 1, 2, 3 only
s, p, d, f subshells or orbitals
and they can have (2.l +1) no. of electrons
s state - max. 2 electrons - they obey pauli exclusion principal
p-state - 6 electrons
d- state- 10 electrons
f -state - 14 electrons
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