hello ! can anyone please explain this whole paragraph to me in english please .....only someone who is exeptionally good in hindi and can transalate it in english please answer✌

Hi friend,
the paragraph discusses about the pyramids of ghiza.
So first line means that,
After walking ahead a more wonderful structure is seen in this city there is a pyramid the interesting thing about it is that this pyramid was discovered by a monkey in the year 1900. what happens is that whichever monkey used to go there it's tail got stuck in in the land. The people got curious about that area. As the people got curious, a huge excavation took place here. After digging they found such a big pyramid that was hidden inside the earth for so long. It is said that some Greek people used to eat their food here in jars but they did not throw the jars properly and they did not reuse such jars, so therefore so many jars were also found after the excavation of this site.
After walking ahead one more wonderful structure is seen. ( I don't know the meaning of the paragraph after this )
I'm sorry I couldn't translate the whole page.
I hope this helps you. Please mark me as brainliest and give me a thanks. Have a great day ahead :)
In this city itself is built: The Cat Cobb Tomb. The interesting fact is that the discovery of this tomb was done in the year 1990 by a monkey. What exactly used to happen was that whenever a monkey used to go and jump there, his leg used to get stuck in the ground. People were surprised. Hence, a huge excavation was undertaken there and a huge tomb came out from the ground. There were hundreds of jars found in this tomb. It is said that the Greeks used to eat food in these jars and once a jar was used, they never used to put it to use again, which is the reason why so many jars were collected.
As we move ahead, there is one more memorial- Mombni (Not sure what it's English name is) Pillar. Now time is changing, and the statue of Mohammed Fareed definitely proves this. This brave man freed the Egyptians from the Turks and Romans. When we go further, we witness the statue of King Ibrahim, who is the symbol of the bravery of Egyptians. Just like Delhi's India Gate, a memorial has been made to pay tribute to the soldiers who were martyred in Israel-Egypt War. The competition for Nalanda and Taxila is here as well- Alexandria Library- where there are kept lakhs of rare books. After that comes: The Red Sea. The duty of joining this Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea was taken by France's Napolean Bonpart. This sign of this great work is still present in the form of Suez Canal today.
This Egypt which shakes on their the "Tandura and Veli Dance" (English: Belly Dance) is famous for cotton clothes and muslin. Khaleeli Street and Mobaco Mall are the famous places for shopping here. India's Bollywood films are also seen a lot here. Vegetarian food without onion and garlic can also be easily found. This is a strange, but true and happy reality.
There, done.