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Question ---->> write a story on share your happiness with others in about 300 words
Share Your Happiness :
It was the psychology class going in Sf. Xavier's when suddenly Mr. Kotch stopped teaching and asked all the students to line up . The students were perplexed as to why the class had been suddenly bought to a pause . Anyways , they were taken to the exhibition room. As they went there , each one of them was given a balloon .
Again , in a bit of confusion one of them asked , "Sir , what will we do with these balloons" ? The professor simply replied , "My Dear students , you just need to write down your names on the balloon you've got." So as instructed , each one of them wrote their name on their respective balloons . All of those balloons were then collected and placed in another room. These children were then taken to that room and were asked to identify the balloon having their name!
This lead to an utter chaos in the room . None of them could find their balloon. Now the professor modestly said , instead of identifying your own balloon , take up any balloon and give it to the one whose name is written on it. Following his instructions , each one of them got their own balloon within a few minutes .
Addressing the young ones , the professor explained - this is exactly the scenario of our life . We try to look for happiness often hurting others . Most of us fail to get the real happiness as a result . But when we share our happiness with others , it not only makes others happy but also gives us a peace of mind! So , never hesitate to share your happiness with others .
Happiness is a perfume . The more you put it on others , the more fragrant you become. Your Happiness won't decrease if you share it with others . So learn to share your joy. Make others happy❗ :)

I had a chocolate and I was very hungry . But I saw that a poor boy was looking at me and so I decided to share it with him. I unwrap it and gave half to him and ate half myself. This doubled my happiness .
So share your Happiness with others .
Lord Buddha says Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle isn't shortened . Happiness always increases by being shared