Biology, asked by Rittikahazra, 11 months ago

Hello,,, details explanation of Human eye... quality answer required☺ hope u will give me quality answer... Don't spam

Rittikahazra: hlw
Rittikahazra: fine


Answered by CaptainBrainly
Hey Mate !!

Thanks for the question.

The human eye is one of the most important sense organs. It enables us to see the object and colours around us.

Components of Human Eye :

⏩ The eye ball is nearly spherical in shape.

⏩ The front portion is more sharply curved and is covered by transparent protective membrane called the " Cornea ".

⏩ Beside the Cornea, there is place filled with a liquid called aqueous humour and behind this a crystalline lens which is responsible for the image formation.

⏩ Between the aqueous humour and the lens we have a muscular diaphragm called " Iris". Which has small hole in it called " Pupil".

⏩ Iris is the coloured part that we see in an eye.

⏩ The Ciliary muscle to which eye lens is attached helps the eye lens to change its focal length by changing the radii of curvature of the eye lens. v

Rittikahazra: help me
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Answered by DevilDoll12


➡The human eye is one of the most sensitive organs that enable us to see the beautiful world around us .

✨Parts of Human Eye :

✔Sclera : it is the tough outer layer which protects the entire eyeball and all internal parts . It is supplied with blood vessels and provide food and oxygen to the Retina.

✔Cornea : the outermost part of the eye which bulges outside . Light enters the eye through the Cornea . It helps to focus light into the Retina .

✔Iris : it is a dark , muscular diaphragm located just below the cornea . It controls the amount of light entering the eye by changing the Size of the Pupil .

✔Pupil : it is a small hole hole in the middle of the Iris through which light enters the eye . In dim light , the Size of the Pupil expands and in strong light , the Size of the Pupil decreases .

✔Aqueous Humour : fluid filled between the eye lens and the Cornea is called Aqueous Humour . It helps to bend light on to the Retina .

✔Vitreous Humour : it is a jelly like fluid filled in the back part of the eye . It helps to maintain the eye ball intact .

✔Eye lens : the eye lens is a convex lens . A real and inverted image is formed in the Retina .

✔Retina : it is just like a film screen , the image is perceived on the Retina . It consists of two types of cells : Rods and cones.

✔Choroid : it is a vascular layer of the eye that provides nourishment .

✔Cilliary muscles : they increase or decrease the Size of the eye lens to focus on the object .

✔Blind spot : A point where no light falls as the optic nerve leaves .

✔Eye lid : A sort of protection for the eyes .


Rittikahazra: hi
Rittikahazra: help me
Rittikahazra: answer the 1 no question on my profile
DevilDoll12: I don't know it
DevilDoll12: sorry ❗
Rittikahazra: hi ananta
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Rittikahazra: i don't want u answered this question
Rittikahazra: i want help only qooooq
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