English, asked by DarkQeen, 7 months ago

Hello everyone, can you answer the question?

The meaning and characteristics of memoirs

Travel writing meaning and features

The meaning and properties of fabl

Journal writing meaning and features

I will choose the best narrator and the empty one is reported.


Answered by Nereida



Memoir just like describing events happened in one's life. One understand memoir as autobiography, but, there is a slight difference between a memoir and an autobiography. An autobiography and a memoir is written by the person on whose life the content is based on. An autobiography contains the summary of whole life where as memory is only description about the certain event.

An example of a memoir could be the experience of long down during the Corona pandemic.

The characteristics characteristics of a memoir may include:-

  • Feeling and emotions.
  • Certain important conversations.
  • Conclusion of the event.
  • What the author learnt by the event ?
  • When did the event happened on the time period ?, etc.

Travel Writing:-

Travel writing is mostly done by people who love to travel and wander around The world travelling each and every place. It is just writing the experience of visiting different places at different time and explaining the the situation there. It may also includes comparison between two places the person visited. It also include the description of the place briefly so that the other could understand how important and how exciting the place is.

The characteristics of travel writing may include:-

  • Time when the person visited the place.
  • How much time period he spent there ?
  • What he learnt from that place ?
  • What he loved there ?
  • What he did there ?
  • What what's the importance of the place ?
  • How people there behaved ?, etc.


Fable comes under fiction literary genre. It may include poems and stories about animals, objects, nature, human, etc. It is meant to illustrate a moral at the end so that the reader should understand moral values. One may find inhumane things acting as human in a fable poem or story.

The characteristics of fable may include:-

  • Characters are usually animals.
  • One or two characters usually have bad traits due to which they have some of the other kind of down fall.
  • It can we sometimes funny and is written to entertain people.
  • It always gives a lesson to the reader.
  • It usually contains 2-3 characters but nay contain more than that., etc.

Journal Writing:-

Journal writing can be said as diary writing. It includes writing feelings and emotions, daily events happened in one's life, thoughts of different people, what writer thinks, etc.

The characteristics may include:-

  • Detailed descriptions about the topic.
  • What the writer feel about it ?
  • What the writer did ?
  • What the the writer is going to do ?
  • It is usually in past tense but one may find it in present and future too., etc.
Answered by Anonymous



MEMOIR - A memoir is a collection of memories that an individual writes about moments or events, both public or private, that took place in the subject's/person’s life.a memoir often tells a story "from a life".The author of a memoir may be referred to as a memoirist or a memorialist.

Characteristics of a memoir includes-

  • It has a specific focus.
  • It makes the subject come alive.
  • Memoirs are often limited in nature.
  • The story is more important that 100% accuracy.
  • The writing of a memoir is deliberate in nature.
  • Dialogue should be natural instead of journalistic.
  • Memoirs have a slow pace.


TRAVEL WRITING - Travel writing is writing about places, persons, and things in other places--also writing about how to travel, when to travel, and advice on traveling–all with the reader in mind. It’s about relaying your travel experiences to others so that they may emulate them or at the very least not make the same mistakes you did.

Note- Travel writing isn’t writing about your family’s vacation. It isn’t writing about what you liked or didn’t like about your last trip. And it definitely isn’t about writing about destinations so that you can travel for free.


FABLE - The word fable is derived from the Latin word fibula, which means “a story,” and a derivative of the word fari, which means “to speak.” Fable is a literary device that can be defined as a concise and brief story intended to provide a moral lesson at the end.

Properties of fable may include-

  • A fable is intended to provide a moral story.
  • Fables often use animals as the main characters. They are presented with anthropomorphic characteristics, such as the ability to speak and to reason.
  • Fables personify the animal characters.


JOURNAL WRITING - Journal refers to a ‘book’ or ‘diary’ and entry means noting down of something. On combining these two words, we get ‘journal entry’. It can be explained as a book meant for the original recording of the day to day business transactions or activities in a systematic order.

Characteristics of journal may include-

  • What the writer feels
  • writer's everyday life
  • Writer's prescriptions,etc.


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