English, asked by UtsavPlayz, 1 year ago

Hello, May I ask you a Question?
What mistake do I do in writing my answers, that you dont give me brainliest? :-\
Please tell me, as from next time I will not repeat those mistakes.​


Answered by Genoscyborg


Mainly it can't be your fault as there as many smart people in this world who use brainy to help .It also depends on the user as he or she understands your way of answering.

Answered by samiksha5055

As per me I always give brainliest when I find that answer which would really help or I give them multiple thanks

But when a question is asked by somebody they are confuse with the solutions,method,concepts and they don't know what do so they expect a proper explanation

even if you answer to a question like if they ask 'find the cube root of number' and they don't know how to find it and if you just tell them the exact answer they are not fully satisfied with it.

they are so desperate to learn how to do it and they need what methods or theory you are using so that you get right answer to that particular problem.

like how moderators,Maths experts,geniuses give long long answer with full explanation

that's what they expect from everybody....but who have that much time to spend on writing answers

But when we go to the route of giving full explanation and you don't get brainliest it doesn't even makes sense to us. It's like 'I gave you a whole explanation and if you don't respect the answer I gave by wasting my time that's so mean of you'.There are users like this. don't worry there are people who also gives brainliest.You know the world is so mean But humanity still survives in every condition.

hope I didn't blabber rubbish too much..

hope you think of it


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