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Scopes of Biology
Human beings are the most intelligent organism due to the capability of thinking and understanding. For human, study of science has dual purposes. Firstly, they gain scientific knowledge. Secondly, they apply the knowledge for human welfare. On the basis of practical application, scope of biology in context of Nepal can be discussed in the following points;
Biology gives knowledge about the useful and harmful plant. So, the farmer can get better pest free crops.
Human health
Biology provides the knowledge to maintain good health by following a proper food, exercises, good habits etc.
Human diseases
Several pathogens cause different diseases. The habit, habitat, structure, life cycle etc of such pathogens can be studied in biology. So, we can be away from different diseases to a considerable extent.
Most of the industries are based on the products of plants and animals i.e jute, rubber, gum, sugar, leather etc.
Conservation of flora and fauna
Biology helps the scientists or researchers to conserve endangered flora and fauna.
Animal husbandry
Rearing of animals for food, watchman-ship, agriculture, transportation etc is an old practice done by man. Biology gives an idea to keep such animals in a systematic way.
✴️The science which deals with the study of structure, organization, life processes, interactions, origin and evolution of living organisms is called biology.
✍️Aristotle is regarded to as the Father of Biology
✍️Biological science has been divided into 3 main branches:
✍️Zoology: It is the study of animals and the facts related to their life.
✍️Botany: It deals with the study of plants.
✍️Microbiology: It deals with the study of simpler, unicellular and microscopic organisms.
▪️Biology reveals to us the secrets of life uncovered by biologists through centuries of researches.
▪️It is of great importance to mankind in a practical sense and has various scopes, some of which are given below.
✍️The science of man and mankind including the study of the physical and mental constitution of man.✍️It also deals with the cultural development, social tradition as exhibited by them both in their past and present.
✴️Biomedical engineering:
✍️Branch of engineering dealing with the production of spare parts for man.
✍️Biomedical engineers help in manufacturing of artificial limbs, heart, lungs etc. used by doctors to help impaired bodies function properly.
✍️It deals with the use of living organisms or of substances obtained from them in industrial processes.
✴️Food technology:
✍️The science of processing and preservation of healthy foods.
✍️Dairy technology: The application of science for the manufacture of milk product.
✍️Apiculture: The rearing of honey bees, bee keeping especially for commercial purposes.
✍️Fishery or Pisiculture: The industry of rearing and catching fish or the products of the sea, lakes, rivers or ponds.
✍️Sericulture: The breeding and treatment of silkworms for producing raw silk....