help me 4 .e plz tommoro is my test plz

plz help me in 5 no a ouestion also plz
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wind:it is the single big factor in creation of the ocean currents
another main factor in generation of currents is water density
this depends on the amount of salt present in water body
third factor is ocean topography
and the fourth one is Coriolis effect
spring tides and neap tides:
spring tides occur during the full moon and new moon.
during the quarter phases of moon the phases of moon and sun works in right angles causing the bulges to cancel each other .
this results in the small distance between the tides and this difference is known as the neap tides
hope it helps!!!
please mark as brainliest
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Ocean currents can be generated by wind, density differences in water masses caused by temperature and salinity variations, gravity, and events such as earthquakes
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