English, asked by elelna04, 1 year ago

Help me answer this question please!!

Write a story with the title below:
"Susan will never forget what happened that day"
Notes: When writing your story, narrate events according to the plan below.
* Describe the setting of the story
- provide the time [whether it's in the morning or afternoon or at night, -state the place [ either it's in the city, jungle, a small room or a school, -state the weather condition [either it's cloudy, sunny, dark and gloomy or a thunderstorm]
-describe the atmosphere- either it's crowded or quiet]
-introduce the main character [s]
2-3 paragraphs
-Mention what happened
-What the character [s]
* and how they felt



Answered by AdorableMe

Susan will never forget what happened that day

It was a Monday morning. Susan found nothing new when she woke up. As everyday, she went to have brush, did a little exercise and went to have her breakfast. While having her breakfast, she thought "what if Mondays would not have been there..." Susan never liked Mondays because it was the first working day after the previous weekend. She unwillingly went to her room to get ready for her school.

Suddenly she saw, the weather became cold but the sky was red as if the summers had arrived. She could not believe what was happening. She thought to go to school enjoying the weather. While in the bus, she enjoyed talking to her friends. One of her friend said that she once saw a vision, where she was getting a free trip to Japan. Susan was astonished. When Susan reached her school, the teacher explained,"This type of weather has neither been felt nor been observed anytime before."Even their teacher felt cold that day.

As time passed on, Susan saw that it started snow falling. "What was going on!!" she thought. The classes suspended for such unusual weather. She left for home. While returning to home, she heard the sound of thundering clouds which terrified her. She decided to rush to her home and and say everything to her mom.

When she reached home after 10 minutes, she explained everything to her mom about the weather that day. She thought that the world was coming to an end. Her father was listening to these all. Her father shouted at her angrily and said,"You are a student reading in a secondary school, and you are talking like this? have you ever read science? Go to your room immediately!!" She screamed when she heard her father shouting at her. Suddenly, she found herself in her lovely bed sleeping with her blanket on her. When she saw outside her window, she saw the sky was really red! She thought, her friend said in her dream that she once saw a vision. Susan was pretty sure, that she also saw a vision. She saw a strike of lightning approaching at her very fast through her window. "Save me!!!!"

Saying this, she again woke up and found herself in her bed. She hit her left toe to be sure, if that was not a dream again. But, it was the reality. She looked outside her window. It was completely dark, nearly 3 PM. She was surprised to see a dream in her dream.

She could never forget that day....

Answered by brokendreams

Susan, the good girl.

Susan will never forget what happened that day. Susan remembers vividly what happened, including the fear she felt during the attack, and the way her mother buried her face in her hands. She also remembers a boy who had been bullied before and asked to go home in order to get away from it.

Susan’s story is tragic, but she is not the only victim of a cruel and vengeful kid.

Millions of kids are bullied every day, and Susan’s story illustrates just how pervasive the problem is. She and the other six kids she was with that day, including little brothers and sisters, have all suffered tremendously as a result. Some have turned to drugs and alcohol to deal with the emotional pain, while others have become withdrawn and perhaps most heart-breaking for the young victims, though, is the way their parents have been affected.

When Susan was in junior high school, her mom told her that she was a “good girl ,” but that she had to be on her toes “all the time.” Susan had to be careful not to get into trouble at school, or she would have to be responsible. As she grew older, Susan realized that the “good girl” label applied more to her. She had to be careful not to do anything that would get her in trouble. She was always the good girl. Even when she was being bullied, Susan was the good girl.

She was expected to smile and be polite, but she was also expected to keep her opinions to herself and keep her mouth shut. The result was that Susan ended up keeping her mouth shut, and she didn’t share her true feelings and opinions with anyone, which created a lot more problems for her than it did. She did what she was expected to do, but she never really had a voice of her own. Without a voice of her own, she didn’t feel like she could do anything right, and she felt like a failure.

She was so afraid of getting in trouble or disappointing her parents that she was never able to share her true self with anyone. Instead, she became a fake, quiet girl who smiled when she wasn’t happy, and kept her opinions to herself.

In her study Susan’s actions were not the result of a reflection of how she really felt. Her actions were the result of a multitude of feelings, and she never felt like she had a voice of her own. She was never allowed to express herself, to speak her mind, to feel herself. She was never allowed to be herself, and she felt like she had a lot of work to do to be herself, because she had to be responsible for others.


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