English, asked by Chocofish, 3 months ago

Henry’s Adventure
Henry did not cause any trouble in our house, but he did create something like a riot in the nursery school down the road. It happened like this.

When the papayas in our garden were ripe, grandmother usually sent a basket of them to her friend, Mrs. Ghosh, who was the principal of the nursery school. On this occasion, Henry managed to smuggle himself into the basket of papayas when no one was looking. (He did have a cage of his own, but was seldom in it.) The gardener dutifully carried the papayas across to the school and left them in Mrs. Ghosh’s office. When Mrs. Ghosh came in after making her rounds, she began admiring and examining the papayas. Out popped Henry.

Mrs. Ghosh screamed. Henry would probably have liked to blush a deep red, but he turned a bright green instead, as that was the colour of the papayas. Mrs. Ghosh’s assistant, Miss Daniels, rushed in, took one look at the chameleon, and joined in the screaming. Henry took fright and fled from the office, running down the corridor and into one of the classrooms. There he climbed onto a desk, while the children ran in all directions, some to get away from Henry, some to catch him. But Henry made an exit from the window, and disappeared in the garden.

Grandmother heard all about the incident from Mrs. Ghosh, but did not tell her that the chameleon was ours. I did not think Henry would find his way back to us, because the school was three houses away. But three days later I found him sunning himself on the garden wall. He readily accepted food from my hand, and allowed himself to be recaptured.

6.1 State whether the statements given below are true or false. If the statement is false, then refer to the passage and rewrite the correctly

i) The author’s grandmother usually sent papayas to Mrs Ghosh the principal’s assistant at the nursery school.

ii) Henry was the name of the author’s pet monkey.

iii) Henry popped out of the basket when Mrs Ghosh was examining and admiring the papayas

iv) Henry turned a deep red when Mrs. Ghosh screamed.

6.2 Complete the following sentences.

_______ and ___________.

ii) Henry seldom stayed _______________.

iii) When Miss Daniels saw Henry, _________________ __________________________.

v) Henry jumped out of the window _________________________.

v) After Henry returned to the author’s house three days later, _________


Answered by aryan10000000


pls mark me as the brainly


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