Biology, asked by chingmuankimtunglut, 1 year ago

Heterotrophs are directly or indirectly independent on autotrophs.Justify the statement by giving three reasons


Answered by Francislkd


Heterotrophs depend on autotrophs for energy as it provides food for them.


As heterotrophs cannot produce their own energy, they eat autotrophs for energy such as grass, berries, nuts or any food they find in the wild.

Answered by saksham9475

Answer: The survival of the heterotrophs depends directly or indirectly on the autotrophs because

  • the autotrophs are capable of preparing their nutrients and food for own and the heterotrophs are very much relying on the nutrients.
  • Heterotrophs get their source of energy (food) from autotrophs. Autotrophs prepare food themselves but heterotrophs do not.
  • Hence we can conclude hetrotrops depend upon autotrophs

Explanation: While talking in terms of the food chain, organisms are classified based on their trophic or feeding levels in the ecosystem. Autotrophs like plants that produce their own food, form the producer level. All food chains begin at the producer level. Primary consumers eat the producers for obtaining energy. Primary consumers are eaten up by the secondary consumers; secondary consumers are eaten by the tertiary consumers, and so on. A common example for explaining the food chain is an ecosystem where grass is the producer, and a mouse that eats up the grass becomes the primary consumer. The mouse becomes prey for a snake, who becomes the secondary consumer. Eagles eat snakes, and become tertiary consumers. Dead animals are consumed by decomposers, and thus the nutrients get mixed up back into the soil. This cycle of the flow of nutrients from one level to the next keeps repeating between the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem.

Example 1 we eat food say for example roti which is made up of wheat which is a plant which is an autotroph. Example 2 a lion get it's food by hunting small preys like deer which gets its food by eating grass or plant which again is an autotrophs. Hence we can conclude heterotrophs depend upon autotrophs

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