hey friends!plzz say me the answer of these question.....
Q) Why do you think is education not so developed in Nepal?
political instability: after the revolution of 1951(सात सालको क्रान्ति) politic of Nepal has been very unstable. The frequent changes in government hampered the country's aim of infrastructural development which includes education system too.
1. Political instability:
The political unrest in Nepal is as far as it can go. The government is changing ever so often, and the entire government system is still not settled. There has been about 25 changes in prime minister in past 25 years, and still we don’t know for how long the current government may last. But, no matter how much the government is changing, it seems like its just the same old wine in a new bottle. Its also just been a couple of years since constitution has been framed, so it’ll still take a while for a stable system to exist.
2. Emigration:
The people from Nepal are really hard working and diligent. But these competent people fly away from their country in search for better job opportunities elsewhere. The poor job condition in Nepal with a low salary that too with some favoritism repels away the skillful youths. So, the remaining few won’t be able to bring much progress in Nepal’s condition.
3. Landlocked:
Nepal is sandwiched between two great nations - India and China, and it has no connection to ocean. Because of this, sea trade becomes impossible here and so Nepal has to depend upon India for its many goods. Because of this dependency over India, India has been able to interfere over Nepal’s affair and this hasn’t really been beneficial for Nepal.
4. Geography:
Its said, Nepal’s geography is a boon to it and at the same time, a bane for it. The mountains and landscapes, although beautiful, makes it difficult to construct transportation routes between places. This is one big reason why there are no railway facilities here. And the road transportation is also equally challenging to construct and travel through.
5. Poverty:
With all the reasons listed above, its natural that Nepalese get poor. So, even if someone wants to make a great change in Nepal, the financial factor restrains him.