Hey Guys!
*⃣ Aaj Kal ki Yuva Pedi Nalla urf Vella urf Unemployed Ghoom Rahi Hai! Toh ek Jaam Un Velo ke naam! xD *⃣
So I Want an Essay on
#⃣ Unemployment #⃣
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Unemployment - A big curse
“When you are unemployed, weekends are seven days long.”
― Mokokoma
Unemployment is a big curse. Man is made for work. It has been rightly said that "an Ideal brain is a devil's workshop". It is very true that an idle man always thinks of one miischief or others. Thus, an idle man is not only a burden to himself, but also negative danger to society.
Many people remain unemployed not because they want to remain unemployed, but because they cannot find a job to do. It is the duty of the government to open venues for the employment.
In our country, unemployment is growing increasingly among the educated middle class.
Since independence our government has been making many efforts to open various venues of employment.
Unemployment is a big curse, and hence must be controlled.
Unemployment!! As , we all know that unemployment is a situation when people want to work on the going Wages but can't find jobs .
And a study shows that unemployment is more among the educated people .
Especially that of Bachelor, Master Degree Holder than that of matriculate .
This is a very big problem . And it is a thing of shame for our country . One one hand we want to give more in human capital formation while on the other hand we are having educated unemployment problem .
This leads to a very huge problem. The government must take care about it.
Many acts are taken about it . Some are as follows :
• MNREGA : Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gram Act
• Pradhan Mantri Swarojgar Yojna .
But it is not helping so much .
There are many person who wanna to be employed but they can't.
For a 4th class job , there were 1400 vacancies but there were 2,34,560 nominations for that job .
This shows that our country is facing educated unemployment so much .
This is hoped that Govt. should take more steps to control it .
And our country will be the Best among all the countries of the world .
Our country is considered the youngest amongst all other countries .
It means we are having more potential than others .
But no jobs lead to the end of all the talents .
But this is human made problem , so it can be solve .
But it takes time .
Hope this will get controlled by time.