English, asked by Massuh, 11 months ago

Hey guys i want your help
i want essay on "Internet needed today".
fast plzzzz


Answered by anvi95

Today, the internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. Every where you take .And intoday’s society ,the internet is a major part of every one’s Life , whether it is schooL ,business ,on intertainment ,it has inflaunced us immesely . The term of internet according to dictionary is : A system of conected computers that allows computer users around the world to exchange information .I think using internet has more advantages like: getting information , E-mail and communication.

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Today, the internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. Every where you take .And intoday’s society ,the internet is a major part of every one’s Life , whether it is schooL ,business ,on intertainment ,it has inflaunced us immesely . The term of internet according to dictionary is : A system of conected computers that allows computer users around the world to exchange information .I think using internet has more advantages like: getting information , E-mail and communication.

see more:short essay on importance of internet

Getting information is probably the biggest advantage is offering by internet . There is ahuge amount of information available on the internet about every subject , for example, if you want to kow a bout the life’s of any poets and their products you can down load it .Also if you want to know the weather of any place of the world . it’s easier for you to get information instead of you search to the books in the Liberary . And you can get any data that you are looking for it .

anujyadav55: hii
anvi95: hii
anvi95: tq
anvi95: hmm....
Answered by Tina11111
The importance of Internet technology is huge in our lives, in this essay we’ll discuss how internet effects our day to day life and how it has made our lives easy.

Internet is a medium which has enabled computers to connect with each other. This also includes routers, servers, the wires and the antennas that are part of the entire setup procedure. Internet technology has changed the way we communicate with each other, perform business or get entertained. The medium has perished the boundaries or constraints that were once present in the world. Internet technology has erased those boundaries helping individuals and business in various ways. People found the perfect weapon to communicate from any location and at any point of time. At the same time, business enterprises found internet as a powerful intermediate to expand to different locations of the globe.

At present, internet has become part of life in human beings life. It would be hard to imagine the world without internet. We would have never seen a world as it is now without the medium. So, there is a greater importance to internet in both personal life and professional life of an individual. Internet is now a gigantic library that is composed of documents, files, images, videos, content and websites. Unlimited amount of data is added regularly to the library from different mediums and in different formats.

We are dependent on the technology to make our life simpler. The best and the easiest example – I would not have been writing this article and posting it across internet. Internet has changed the way we think too. Technological advancement is always a great weapon to the mankind to explore unexplored areas of the universe. Understanding the importance of Internet technology has helped many companies gain larger markets, audiences and create services that reach out to customers. The technology also helped organizations to enhance the level of communication with employees and customers. It provided a medium to publish information or content in regard to the product or services that reaches out to millions of people across the globe.

Customer support and service has been enhanced to a whole new level. Conducting online workshops, conferences, interviews, and data management has helped an organization to reach out for customer’s requirement. Internet has helped increased credibility for the work that is done. Technology has also increased exposure to different areas of the market, increase in quantity and quality, increase in sales, reduction in costs, increase in access to information, increase in supply chain, reduction in load on staff and reduction in use of products that are harmful to environment.

Internet technology has completely changed how we communicate, respond or entertain ourselves. Its importance in everyday life is never ending and plays a great role in enhancement of quality of life. There has been a great increase in benefits and reduction in time. Internet is a powerful medium that has changed how we live and will continue to change in the future. We are sure to see further changes to the technology. Internet technology is sure to see a sea change in the coming years that will have tremendous effect on personal and professional life.

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