English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Hey guys please solve this question for me:- 50 points (question 1- 1)​



Answered by vedantkhanna00752

When you work as a preschool teacher (as with any other job), the first half hour or so after arriving at work is mostly spent waiting for the coffee to kick in. You are still adjusting to being awake and out in the world. Your social skills aren’t really accessible yet. However, unlike someone in a non person-facing job, who might be able to ease into their day by answering emails and spending a few minutes scanning the day’s headlines, all in the comfort of their own chair and desk while sipping a mug of their caffeinated beverage of choice, a preschool teacher does not have that luxury. It is in these first moments of the day that a teacher must spring into action.

Morning is the most chaotic part of the day for a preschool teacher. You may have a bit of prep time, but almost immediately after arriving at work, you’re likely to be greeting children and trying to welcome them to school in a way that makes them excited to be there and OK with the impending departure of their mom or dad.

Amid rushed exchanges with parents on their way to work, you might be entrusted with a bottle of cough syrup to be given after lunch, notes on how that child’s morning is going (“Today’s gonna be a rough one”), or instructions such as “Please make sure she has a nap today,” or conversely “Please make sure she does NOT have a nap today.”

These are just a few examples of the information you’re expected to keep in your brain about each child. Of course, if the parents at your school are as wonderful as most of mine, these instructions and requests are delivered with grateful smiles. But multiplied by the number of kids in your class, it adds up to a lot of information to retain.

This time is intense for the kids, too. They’ve just left the warm embrace of their parents and home. The comfort of their My Little Ponies and granola bars already seems like a distant memory. They find themselves in a bustling playground full of competitors for toys and attention. Now they’re just another face in the crowd. They are understandably distraught.


Lazarus: I hope u wrote it by yourself
Lazarus: okk btw whom did u tell mad? at 2nd comment??
Lazarus: why!! I didn't write any faltu answer like mad person! DON'T COMMENT ON ANYTHING! mujhe blame Kar Raha hae! wow
Lazarus: kauke na bujhe mad Bola ta think noi!! ai didigiri hobena!!! xD
Lazarus: think*
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