hey!!!! <br /><br />here is ur question ➡️➡<br /><br />what are social, economic, and political conditions of Russia before 1905? <br /><br />Answer in detail ➡️<br /><br />be brainly ☜☆☞
it will help you...........
the social economic and political condition in Russia before 1905 vs following
economic conditions
In 20th century about 85% of Russian population was agriculturist
Russia was a major exporter of grain
most of the industry was private property of Industrialist
the workers were divided on the basis of their occupation
coal production doubled and iron and steel output quadrupled in 90s
the forigen capitalist invested large sum of money in different industries to earn huge profit
social conditions
price of essential goods rise wild images of decreases by 20% leading to the same as St peterburg Strike
31% of factory labour in 1914 war women's (they were Getting about half and three quarter of a man wages)
worker started strike and stop work in the textile industry during 1896 to 1897 and in metal industry during 1902
political condition
in 1898 Russian social democratic workers party was founded by social is based on marks ideas
this party was divided into two groups in 190 3 mensheviks and bolshevik
Lenin the greatest thinkers on socialism after Marx was the leader of bolsheviks party which was the largest party

russian society was divided into three classes :the clergy , nobility , and the working class. Slavery was abolished in 1961 , but the peasants who constituted 85% of the population had to pay heavy taxes for small holdings.
after industrialisation many factories were set up by industrialists. the wages were minimum and the working hours were sometimes 15 hours a day. The conditions of the workers was miserable. The state treasury was bankrupt due to heavy expenditure.
under the autocratic rule of Tsar Nicolas II,the russian empire was vast and feudal . the disastrous defeat of Russia in the russio - japanese was of 1904 had eroded the prestige of Tsar Nocholas II
if you find this useful pls mark me as the brainliest