English, asked by cuteprincess17, 10 months ago

hey mates

good evening

please tell the answer dor these questions.

1) what is anger?(50-60 words)
2)is anger good or bad ?Explain (60-80 words)

dont give irrelevant answers .i need for my hw .please dont spam.keep word.limit in mind and work acc.to it.
please help
ur time starts now​

rincy2722: nooo not again... the answer option disappeared....(╥﹏╥)


Answered by alinasharma

1.)Anger is a natural, though sometimes unwanted or irrational, emotion that everybody experiences from time to time.

Anger experts describe the emotion as a primary, natural emotion which has evolved as a way of surviving and protecting yourself from what is considered a wrong-doing.

2.) Many studies show that it is healthy for a person to let out their anger once in a while. They believe that it will help in your relationship with others and that it will increase your self-esteem. They also believe that holding anger in is bad and unhealthy for your body.

Answered by rincy2722

1)Anger is just like any other emotion- happy, sad, anxious, curious, confused etc. 2) So is anger good or bad?? depends actually if you ask me is happiness is good or bad?? I say it's good if someone also feel happy and everybody feels happy but it is very bad if someone is offensed or hurt or sad and you're feeling happy (except for the time when mother feels happy when baby cries) Firstly Anger is good when: •your mother gets angry at you (ignore the reason she loves you don't you dare talk back to her) •and do it if your father is.. • when your teacher get angry at you cuz you didn't listen to him/her(at times not everytime) why don't think maybe in their childhood there was no one who could guide them and they did several mistakes went on wrong path did wrong things and now they realise and they don't want you to go through the same... and the list goes on...

Secondly anger is not a problem at all. It is how you express this Anger, how you show this emotion that defines if it is good or bad. Many time we see people shouting, throwing things, hurting someone else, hurting themselves which is why most of the time we are told anger as something negative. My father once told me to count numbers, slowly, whenever I was angry... At first I followed and now i find it nowhere...

Yeah so anger is a very precious emotion so don't go on wasting it on cheap useless, unnescessary things and disturb yourself...

Anger is just one letter short of danger.

Stay calm and be the change.

(uh-oh word limit. Keep the ones you feel like keeping and delte everything else)

rincy2722: Thank you!!
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