Political Science, asked by CaptainBrainly, 11 months ago

Hey !!

What is liberty ? Explain the types of Liberty.

No Lazy answers.

IamAloneinHome: hi genius


Answered by sap000006
1. Natural Liberty:

It is the liberty which men enjoyed in the imaginary 'state of nature' when civil society did not exist. It is generally identified with unlimited and unrestricted freedom. Rousseau was the chief exponent of the concept of natural liberty. In his opinion, man lost natural liberty with the emergence of the state or civil society. But such a concept of liberty is illusory. It is license, not liberty.

Liberty, in the political sense, cannot exist prior to state. Liberty, as a political concept, is based on a system of rights. It is the state which guarantees rights. It is, therefore, impossible to conceive of any liberty in the 'state of nature'. This is a misconception of liberty.

The concept of natural liberty is a contradiction in terms because law or authority is the essential condition of liberty but the same was conspicuous by its absence in the 'state of nature'. In the 'state of nature' liberty was enjoyed only by the strong. Might was right. In a civil society, on the other hand, liberty is the common possession of all.

2. Civil Liberty:

It implies freedom enjoyed by the people in civil society. It denotes the civil rights guaranteed by the state. Civil rights consist in the right to life, liberty, property, speech, press, association, education etc. The more the civil rights, the greater the civil liberty.

It has both positive and negative aspects. In the negative sense, it means freedom or the immunity of an individual from interference on the part of others. In the positive sense, it implies the right to free action, the opportunity of self expansion and self expression.

According to Gettel, 'Civil liberty consists of the rights and privileges which the state creates and protects for its subjects".

the meaning of Liberty
the word 'liberty' stands derived from the Latin word 'liber' which means 'free' in this sense Liberty means freedom from restraints and the freedom to act as one likes
Answered by Anonymous
Liberty means the condition in which an individual has the ability to act following his or her own will and alternatively, achieve their potential, within the context of other words like political freedom. 

Different types of Liberty are:-

●Natural Liberty
●Civil Liberty
●Political Liberty
●National Liberty
●Economic Liberty
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