Environmental Sciences, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago


Heya guys

Explain why the earth is called as a living planet.

It must be long!!
And quality too required...!

No spams
It worths 50 points.. So answer nicely plz...!


Answered by Anonymous
living organism are existing on the earth due to a fravourable environment, and at the same time the praticular animals and plant have particular characteristic features which permit them to adapt certain parts of biosphere. this is called the

adapation of the livings being to a particular environment. the livings beings use different amount of elements from soil. wastes matter ans dead bodies disintergate and decompose into inorganic and organic materials. so all the things which living beings need are only found hence we called earth as a living planet


The word "Earth" comes from an old Proto-Germanic word for "soil, dry land". It was once used to name the material world as opposed to the spiritual worlds below (Hell) and above (Heaven). When Earth began to be recognized as a planet, the word "Earth" was the natural word to use as its English name…

This is because only earth has the efficient atmosphere we need to live. Like oxygen most planets either have none or very little of this substance.


We can only live on earth because we have many things that other planets don't. For example were not so close to the sun like Mercury that it is so hot but were not far away from the sun like Neptune so it's not freezing. Also because there are other reasons. Like because we have air, gravity, astro…

people live on earth because it is the only planet that can supply us with the most important element of all which is to humans oxygen gas (O 2 ). also with this oxygen comes the Ozone layer(O 3 ). this layer prevents radiation from entering our bodys and helps keep the world cooler.

Answered by abhii67
Because of its water, Earth is home to millions of species of plants and animals. The things that live on Earth have changed its surface greatly. For example, early cyanobacteria changed the air and gave it oxygen. The livingpart of Earth's surface is called the "biosphere".
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