Heya Guyz (^_^)
Here's Ur Question :-

All The Best !!
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" A friend is the nicest thing we can have and one of the best thing we can be.."
A good friend is a connection to a life - a tie to a past and road to the future.
A true friend doesn't care if we are broke, upset, what we weigh, If our house is a mess, or if our family is filled with crazy people, they love us the way we are.
Friendship is the best relation of our life which is impossible to forget and very strong to be held. Friends make our life joyful. The things or circumstances which we cannot share to our relatives and family, we can share those things / moments without hesitation to our friends. The bond of friendship makes this relation superior.
Some pranks, some funny hysterical moments, those school nuisances and unpredictable many more nostalgic memories which get revived again and again when we meet our friends and remember those kiddish friendship.
Friends' importance can't be told in words. It is just unpredictable and eternal to end.
Loyalty, truthfulness, integrity, togetherness, faith, love, sharing and joy are the essence of friendship. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Friends understand the pain behind our smile, the meaning of unspoken words and the reason behind our sadness. Friends are just the angels that are sent from heaven to make our life complete and memorable one.
Friendship must be respected, no matter what the age, gender and level it is. Friendship breaks all the human made stereotypes. It sees no wealthiness, poverty, talent and level of society.
That's why this relation among the humans is the topmost among all relations. Because this makes a bond between us which is much beyond our social warfare.

Thanks :-)
Answered by
Friendship is a bond that is built carefully and treasured fiercely. It is a bond that you would not let go easily; you will defend it at all cost. It takes time to nurture a friendship. It is not created for the nonce. It is cultivated with much love and care over time. There is a great deal that goes into building and keeping a friendship. It is love and care that keep a friendship going. Where there is no love but only greed and selfishness there is no friendship at all.
A friend is one who will sacrifice anything for you and yet not feel it a sacrifice at all, for there is love and concern for the other in a true friendship. When there is love in a friendship it can last a lifetime.
A true friend is one who will share in your joys and in your troubles. Your friend will feel joy in your enjoyment and pain in your time of trouble. It is heart-warming and comforting to have a real friend. You know you will have a shoulder to weep on if sorrow or failure comes your way. Just as you will be assured of a hand to share a high five with in your joy and success. A friend is one who shares with you with no expectations. There is no quid pro quo in such a friendship. Friendship gives true happiness, because when you have a real friend you have all their love.

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