English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

Heya help needed !!
Please describe why English language is important ??
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Mankuthemonkey01: i wanted to answer it xD


Answered by IshmeetLotey
It's important bcoz English is an international language and u can get a good carrier ahead if ur English is gud

SidhuSaaB06: mai Gurdaspur tu
SidhuSaaB06: class 10
IshmeetLotey: ok
SidhuSaaB06: ludhiana da climate kida da fee
SidhuSaaB06: fer
Mankuthemonkey01: no chatting. Comment section was created for discussion related to Question or answer. Hence, it's request to you all to not to chat Thanks!! (^^)
SidhuSaaB06: ok
IshmeetLotey: I can't tell coz my right leg is fractured and I can't walk for a month
SidhuSaaB06: oooohhhhkkkkk
PrincessNumera: I request you guys please not to chat here not even anywhere in comment sections ; it is meant for clearing doubts and appreciating the answer ! (^^) Hope you understood ?
Answered by Udita34
English language is important because of the following reasons :

1. English is the language of international communication.
2. English is the language of business.
3. Speaking English gives you access to a world of entertainment.
4. Learning English gives you access to more of the internet.
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